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Please take a few minutes to fill out our questionnaire. 
This will help us determine the direction of the co-op based on community feedback, thank you!

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Welcome to the Olympic Mountain Growers Cooperative.


We are a consumer/producer cooperative founded on the belief that holistic practices, land stewardship and education are integral for a wholesome life and a healthy planet.


Combining organic, sustainable farming and ethical wild crafting practices, we provide accessible and affordable, top quality bulk herbs and foods as well as botanical products. Our education programs are driven by the idea that everyone should have the ability to improve their lives in a natural way and be given the tools to create diverse, sustainable and flourishing ecosystems on their land.


With this cooperative, we are not only focused on growing food and medicinal plants and creating quality products: we are invested in the earth. We see this as an opportunity to create robust, localized economies and a way to actively help protect and nourish the land we are each a part of. 

-Mission Statement-

The Olympic Mountain Growers Cooperative is a producer/consumer group of dedicated land stewards working to localize economies and serve the needs of farmers, wild crafters, consumers and producers in the greater Olympic Peninsula region. Our goal is to design this cooperative to bridge our communities, and to benefit all in our local areas. We plan to provide education on healthy lifestyles and access to sustainably grown food, botanicals and medicine. We are passionate about organic practices and follow a permaculture ethos of earth-care, people-care and fair share. 

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